There are new rules in the supermarkets, which remain open. Only 1 customer is allowed per 10 square meters, for a maximum of 30 minutes. These measures were taken because at the beginning of the corona crisis, many people went to the supermarket at the same time and the distance of 1.5 meters could no longer be guaranteed. That is why it is now recommended to go shopping alone so that fewer people are in the store together.

The Netherlands:
Supermarkets limit the number of trolleys with which shopping is compulsory, to prevent too many people from entering at the same time. Even if you have one product, you still need to grab a shopping cart! Smaller supermarkets require shopping with a shopping basket. In the worst cases, customers may have to wait in line outside, at an appropriate distance from each other.

Belgium & The Netherlands:
The borders of Belgium have been closed to non-essential movements since Friday 20 March 2020. The Belgian police carry out border checks and any violation will be strictly sanctioned. You do your shopping in the country where you live and as close as possible to your home.

You can still leave your house, but this actually only applies to trips that are necessary, such as a visit to the supermarket or going to work. You can also leave the house for a walk, but the general rule is: “Avoid contact with as many people as possible and keep your distance.” It is certainly not the intention that you visit friends and family if this is not necessary.

The Netherlands:
A cup of coffee with a friend? That is allowed, but with a maximum of 3 people and keep 1.5 meters distance from eachother. Rather, seek contact in other ways, such as by phone, video calling or social media.

The basic rule is: stay at home as much as possible and avoid as many contacts as possible. Only for essential trips, such as driving to work, the shop, the doctor, the post office or the pharmacy, you may still use the car or public transport.

Walking in the open air is still allowed. It is also important to make sure you come outside regularly. Walking is allowed on your own and with the people you live with every day. More than that, what we call “gathering” is prohibited. But people who live under the same roof are allowed to walk together. Taking a walk with a group of friends is not allowed.

The Netherlands:
You can still go outside for a walk, but avoid busy places. You may not be together with more than three people and must keep a distance of 1.5 meters. This does not apply to persons from the same household.

Only essential trips (to work, the food store, the pharmacist or the doctor) are still allowed. In addition, you can also go walking or cycling with your family or with 1 extra person, you must keep 1.5 meters distance if you meet other people.

The Netherlands:
Go outside only when necessary. For example, for shopping, or for a breath of fresh air. Do not do that with more than 3 people. Keep 1.5 meters away from others (2 arm lengths). Also on the street, in the supermarket and in the park.